Monday, September 16, 2013

Android Transparency in percentage

use a color with alpha value like this #33------ and set it as background of your editText using the xml attribute android:background=" "
  1. 0% (transparent) -> #00 in hex
  2. 20% -> #33
  3. 50% -> #80
  4. 75% -> #C0
  5. 100% (opaque) -> #FF
255 * 0.2 = 51 ==> in hex 33

Android animation

This page is still in construction .
just collecting the various souces get to display simlpe and easy animations in android

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sms Receiver and Parser

Android code to receive and parse a sms

Click here to download the sample code

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Android Cron to pull data From server

This sample app polls data from server after 10 secs
Click here to download sample code